Mountains of stress coupled with bad forward head posture can easily trigger a tension headache.
Taking over the counter pain killers can sometimes stop a headache in it’s tracks, but more often than not, it will come back.
Now you can improve your posture by doing exercises like chin tucks and neck stretches, but when it comes to trigger points, it’s always good to call a professional.
Trigger Points (TPs)
are tight, contracted bands in the muscles that are both ischemic (when the blood and oxygen supply to the muscle is cut off) and hyper-irritable, referring pain and tingling to other places in the body.
I’m going to cover 3 unyielding trigger points that are guilty of causing tension headaches.
Trigger Point#1: The Suboccipitals
The suboccipitals are made up of 4 tiny muscles in the base of your skull that help tilt the head into extension and assist in performing other fine motor head movements.
When a person looks down at their smartphone all day long or sits hunched over their computer for hours at a time, the tension in their suboccipitals increases. This chronic shortening of the suboccipitals most likely will lead to trigger points.
Trigger points in the suboccipitals interestingly enough have a pain referral pattern that resembles a band around the head.

Trigger Point #2: The Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
One of the largest and most superficial cervical muscles, the sternocleidomastoid helps you rotate your head, flex your neck and and helps to bring up your thoracic cage and clavicles, so your lungs have enough space to expand.
Hi! Thank you for posting this information on tension headaches. I get tension headaches. My tension headaches are usually triggered by stress. I usually take tension headache medicine when I get them and they usually go away within a few hours. If I don't have my medicine with me, I'll try the massage. Thanks and have a nice day!
ReplyDeleteJacqueline Hodges @ Dr Koziol